Critical Monitoring Help Needed  

We are currently in need of one or two volunteers to help keep us up to date on any local government or community considerations or actions that might affect the Preserve, even indirectly.  Many actions are taken and decisions are made by committees or at meetings not widely publicized. This person would need to check the public agendas and minutes of all pertinent City of Kalamazoo commissions and committees as well as those for Oshtemo, Western Michigan University, and possibly Kalamazoo County and some environmental organizations.  Online meeting agendas, minutes, decisions, actions, tabled items, etc. that might have bearing on the future of the preserve are possible sources.  News articles might also bear important information. This could probably be done weekly.  We will help you get started with contact names and web addresses. Any pertinent findings or concerns would be emailed to a specific board member or the general email address, TBD.   If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, please contact us through the contact link. Thank you.