November 2024 - Updates from a busy year at ALPA

 Garlic Mustard pull   On April 27, nearly 30 volunteers from ALPA, local high schools, and WMU helped with removal of garlic mustard, an invasive plant, in selected areas of the preserve.  This event has been an annual event and is planned again for sometime next spring.

Controlled burn In May WMU conducted a controlled burn, as they have been doing for many years. Controlled burns are tentatively scheduled to take place in forested management areas F4 and F7 in the spring/summer of 2025. Effort will be made to inform the public of these maintenance projects as the management council continues with restoration of under canopy native planting in the preserve.
Water level drainage problem Beaver deceiver and water level management efforts continue as maintenance for the continued flow of Big Asylum lake into Little Asylum Lake. The clearing away of vegetation debris has been handle by a few dedicated volunteers and Management crewmembers, if interested in helping with this ongoing maintenance project please contact Tom Sauber. When the deceiver is blocked with debris the lake level rises, which can negatively affect some species nesting along its edge.

Management plan update The Asylum Lake Preserve Management Council is in the process of updating its management plan for the Preserve.  ALPA has been providing input and has prioritized a number of areas it would like to see addressed: water quality improvements, creating a tree buffer along Drake Rd., native species improvements & invasive species mitigations, oak forest management, keystone species balance, community engagement and education,and trail maintenance. Paul McNellis will temporarily take the lead in implementing the plan at this time.

Trail management and erosion Efforts to control erosion and accommodate the flow of water off of trails have recently been addressed during 2024 and will continue over the next few years as climate deals us more and stronger rain events. You may have noticed the addition of gravel to some trails, which is helping to slow the erosion.

Beaver management, tree wraps In order to protect young oak trees from being harvested by beavers, a screen protector has been installed on the vulnerable trees around the lake's edge. This will be another ongoing project as each year already wrapped trees will need to have their screen sleeves enlarged to accommodate yearly growth.

Instagram, planned newsletter ALPA now has its own Instagram account.  Follow us @asylum_lake_association for news, happenings, and snapshots of what wildlife is out and about.   We will also email a digital newsletter out soon.   Check for links on this site under About/Newsletters, on Facebook and Instagram.

Looking for volunteers and stewardship plans ALPA has been looking into developing a stewardship program, possibly in coordination with WMU.  We are hoping to secure a list of potential, dedicated volunteers that would help throughout the year with projects such as: garlic mustard removal, trash and trail cleanup, erosion control, tree and flora plantings preparation and maintenance, beaver damage mitigation efforts, and informative walks.  If you are interested in joining us a steward you can volunteer here.

Workday- blight and trash clean-up   Our  planned fall cleanup day has been postponed until spring as well, but we encourage any visitors to bring a bag and collect any trash they see as they walk.

 Tree planting - ALPA had hoped to have a fall planting project, but due to application of a fall herbicide in the designated areas, it has been postponed until spring.   We will keep you posted!

Deer issues, EHD-  A number of deer have been found in the Preserve, especially in the lake. They appear to have died from EHD, Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease; symptoms drive the deer to water to drink.   The disease is transmitted by midges, and not from deer to deer, or to other animals or humans.  Hopefully, favorable conditions for the insect breeding will decrease next year.

Dog leash efforts, fishing reminders - ALPA has been instrumental in providing some signage  to remind fishermen to take care and remove all  tackle from lake and shore to keep wildlife safe.   Also, signs remind dog walkers to keep their pets on a leash to prevent damage to sensitive nesting areas for birds and animals.

Community partners - Some of our Board members recently met informally with The Stewards of Kleinstuck in an effort to coordinate efforts among different groups with similar goals. We are pleased to see the Oakland Drive Winchell Neighborhood Association has joined the MI adopt-a-drain program.  Neighbors sign up to clean and monitor storm drains which lead to neighborhood waterways, including Asylum Lake.

Schools and groups using the Preserve – We have been pleased to see schools visiting Asylum Lake. Winchell School fourth-graders recently explored the Preserve to sketch, observe wildlife and enjoy a nature scavenger hunt.   A group of students from Mattawan also enjoyed a similar field trip. While groups are welcome and encouraged to visit, please note that WMU requests that you contact them first so that there is no conflict with other groups or work projects.

Engagement with Imagine Kalamazoo 2035 Greenspace and the Environment Some members of the ALPA board will be meeting with volunteers from other environmental organizations to discuss ways to provide positive feedback and suggestions to the city regarding future planning. We encourage all citizens to provide input as well. Here are some links to those surveys:
Imagine Kalamazoo Imagine It Survey Strategic Goals Survey

Community Shows Support at Special Informational Meeting

On October 21, ALPA hosted an informational meeting for the community, with opportunities for input and discussion, at the Disciples of Christ Church on Winchell Ave.   Members of the ALPA Board and community gave presentations on a variety of topics: controlled burns, informational shadow boxes, the river otters, living with the beavers and their work, history of the Preserve and how it is currently funded, native and invasive plants, water runoff and remediation, parking and access to the Preserve and threats to the Preserve - most recently the proposed development at Stadium and Drake. 

ALPA thanks all the more than 60 people who attended and helped to inform our future efforts.

A more detailed accounting of the meeting can be found here

ALPA is working to keep citizens up to date on issues regarding Asylum Lake.

Check out this recent article in Second Wave Media and join us for a special community information session.

The Asylum Lake Preservation Association invites interested members of the Kalamazoo community to an information and feedback meeting on Saturday, October 21st from 1:00-4:30 pm, in the community hall of the Disciples of Christ Church, 2208 Winchell Ave.  Our goal is to build a network of people who understand the many facets of the Preserve and the challenges it faces. Topics covered will be: 

       Who owns the Preserve and who governs it?

·       What was the story of the Winchell Ave parking debate?

·       What’s happening with BTR II, the Gibbs House, the water remediation project?

·       How do the proposed zoning changes affect the Preserve?

·       What other threats might be on the horizon?

·       What can the community do to protect this treasure?

Community involvement has been keeping the Preserve a preserve and a well-informed network of supporters will continue to be crucial.  Join us for this afternoon of information, and to give us your input on what you see as important for ALPA to know as we plan future projects, and pledge to keep the community informed about situations where your support will be needed.

Formal registration isn’t necessary, but if you let us know you’re coming we can plan for the set-up of the space.  A quick email would be helpful  but not necessary. Feel free to join us at the last minute.

New Residents include River Otters

Photos by Sharon Koole

Photo credits: Sharon Koole

Sept 2023 A group of river otters have recently taken up residence at Asylum Lake. They have been spotted near the beaver lodge and elsewhere. They usually get along fine with beavers and often share their sheltered areas. A muskrat, white egret, green and blue herons have also been visitors. Early morning and early evening are good times to see these amazing creatures.


Efforts continue to stay ahead of the beavers

June/July2023 WMU’s Tom Sauber and ALPA’s Tom Holmes have been working tirelessly to keep the water flowing from Asylum Lake into Little Asylum Lake. Ever since the beavers arrived a few years ago these hard-working animals have been trying to dam up the lake where it meets the creek. A fence-like “beaver deceiver” was installed and worked well for a time. This spring, however, everytime it was cleared the beavers worked diligently to dam it up. Due to concerns that the lake level was getting too high, WMU called in help to clear out and lower the connecting pipe. Once again the beavers attempted to dam the pipe, but current plans will have the company lower the pipe even more so it will be harder to block. We shall see!!!

Gathering Celebrates The Preserve as a Community Treasure

(May 25, 2023) Close to a hundred people gathered Saturday May 20, at the Drake Rd. entrance, to celebrate and enjoy The Asylum Lake Preserve at an event sponsored by ALPA with the help of WMU. Visitors enjoyed refreshments and live music as they viewed and enjoyed informational and educational displays and presentations by these community groups: Citizen’s Climate Lobby and Kalamazoo Climate Crisis Coalition, Audubon Society of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo River Watershed Council, ALPA, Western Michigan University, Stewards of Kleinstuck, Kalamazoo Wild Ones, Ardea and National Youth Coalition for the Environment, and the Kalamazoo Nature Center.

Tours by local experts were very popular and engaged many new and returning visitors. Tyler Bassett led a group of walkers through the preserve discussing the varied plant life, including both native and non-native species. Donna Keller’s tour gave many bird lovers chances to spot and learn about birds and our current waterfowl visitors. Mark Hoffman walked a group of life-long learners through part of the preserve where the old asylum buidlings were located, and provided both an interesting chronology and a fascinating history.

The ALPA board would like to thank all those who attended or participated for their continued support that gives our community the opportunity to share and learn more about our amazing and precious world of nature near and afar.

Zoning Ordinance Remains a Concern

May 24, 2023 Although the recent zoning request for the property at Stadium and Drake has been removed for the time being, ALPA and community members still have many concerns regarding the proposals before the Planning Commission. We will monitor the situation closely by attending all relevant meetings throughout the summer and encourage you to do so as well. Current contacts are Pete Eldridge Dates for the meetings can be viewed on ALPA has sent a letter to the City explaining our continued opposition to these specific changes:

  1. Changing parcels 06-30-159-001 and 06-30-156-001 from RM15/RSS to CC. These were proposed in 2020 and were dismissed by the Planning Commission.

  2. Removing the Special Use Permit requirement/process for car washes within Community Commercial Zoning. This removal will permit ANY property zoned for CC in the entire city to be vulnerable to the uncontrolled establishment of a car wash.

  3. Changing the intent of the NFP Overly as shown/deltailed on page 88 -50-6.2 within chapter

    Zoning proposals can be viewed here:

Please feel free to direct additional questions to ALPA through our contact page.

Zoning change proposals would allow car wash

April 3 2023 There have been many proposed changes to the city zoning ordinances and natural features protection overlay ordinance, several of which will have an effect on how the property at the corner of Drake and Stadium is developed. We encourage all community members to express their support of our natural areas and contribute to the public input (in person if possible) the city says it wants from the citizens. The report on the update will be presented to the City Planning Commission on Thurs. April 6 at 7 pm. at City Hall.

To contact the Planning Commission or attend one of the informational meetings:

Pete Eldridge

Meetings: Wed. Apr. 19 5 pm @ Van Deusen R., Central Library, 315 S. Rose St.

Thur. Apr. 27 7 pm @ Hornet Suite KCollege Athletic Comples 1600 W. Michigan Ave.

Wed. May 3 6 pm @ Edison Neighborhood Assoc. 816 Washington Ave

Join us for a special gathering!

April 2023 ALPA is honored to be hosting a Community Gathering at Asylum Lake Preserve. This event will be held on May 20th from 12:00 noon to 4pm at the Drake Road Entrance.

Join us for some music, light refreshments,  displays and conversations with local environmental and nature groups, and an assortment of  tours of the Preserve with our local experts. We look forward to you helping us celebrate Asylum Lake Preserve, increasing community awareness and providing support for this Community Treasure.

Neighborhood seeks to have parking restored at Winchell entrance

October 2022-April 2023 An independent group of Winchell area residents have been continuing effort to have parking restored at the Winchell entrance. They have been working with both the ODWNA and the City (both who are opposed) to forward their efforts, but no changes have yet been made. The Asylum Lake Preserve Management Council (WMU) has also voted in favor of having that parking restored.