Check out this recent article in Second Wave Media and join us for a special community information session.
The Asylum Lake Preservation Association invites interested members of the Kalamazoo community to an information and feedback meeting on Saturday, October 21st from 1:00-4:30 pm, in the community hall of the Disciples of Christ Church, 2208 Winchell Ave. Our goal is to build a network of people who understand the many facets of the Preserve and the challenges it faces. Topics covered will be:
Who owns the Preserve and who governs it?
· What was the story of the Winchell Ave parking debate?
· What’s happening with BTR II, the Gibbs House, the water remediation project?
· How do the proposed zoning changes affect the Preserve?
· What other threats might be on the horizon?
· What can the community do to protect this treasure?
Community involvement has been keeping the Preserve a preserve and a well-informed network of supporters will continue to be crucial. Join us for this afternoon of information, and to give us your input on what you see as important for ALPA to know as we plan future projects, and pledge to keep the community informed about situations where your support will be needed.
Formal registration isn’t necessary, but if you let us know you’re coming we can plan for the set-up of the space. A quick email would be helpful but not necessary. Feel free to join us at the last minute.