June 15, 2022 Anyone concerned about the ban on parking at the Winchell entrance to the Preserve needs to attend the City Commission meeting on Tuesday, Jun 21st at 7:00 p.m. If possible share or like the post on our Facebook page to spread the word. Here’s why:
ALPA has been negotiating with ODWNA (Oakland Drive Winchell Avenue Neighborhood Association) and the City since February to try to get parking restored there. ALPA feels that the ban on parking there, made to accommodate a bicycle lane on Winchell, basically shuts off the entrance to all residents who live north and east of the Winchell neighborhood as well as residents of the Winchell neighborhood who are not living within walking distance of the entrance.
As a result of the meetings, Dennis Randolph, the City traffic engineer, met on April 1st with Pete Kushner of ODWNA and Mark Hoffman of ALPA at the Winchell entrance. On April 8th, Mr. Randolph provided a proposal for a workable solution to restore twelve spaces for parking on Winchell Ave's south side, which ALPA then approved. The proposal would leave the bicycle lane for the rest of Winchell and the north side of the street. This plan was also supported by the residents of the nearby private drives Shelter Point and Highpointe Owners' Associations.
This past week, Christina Anderson, City Planner, sent a letter which states that the City "will not be pursuing the addition of on-street parking at the Winchell Ave. entrance for Asylum Lake." This opinion by Ms. Anderson was partly based on the incorrect assumption that the entrance was primarily a pedestrian entrance, quote, "geared toward those living in close proximity...to the Preserve."
Because this is more than a neighborhood "park" but a community green space that is for the benefit and wellness of the entire community, we are asking you to attend the Commission meeting on Tuesday, June 21st to support the testimony that Mark, John and Lauri will give asking the Commission to restore the parking per the proposal of Dennis Randolph of April 8th.
If you want more information you can email lauriholmes@gmail.com with any questions you have.